September 11, 2017

  • I Miss the Old Xanga

    Xanga, in its heyday, was a wonderful place full of great people.

    I miss you, Xanga people. I'm still in touch with a handful of you, but we had a great community here. It wasn't like Facebook. It wasn't like anything else that is out there right now, because communities here were pretty close. We became parts of each other's lives.

    That seems to be gone now. I think it's because "BLOGGING" became something people did for money; it became a career. That brought a whole shitbag of changes that eventually destroyed Xanga. The moment they split Xanga into "Momaroo" and whatever the other professional-ish sub-Xangas were called, it was the beginning of a quick end.

    I bought a lifetime subscription, and despite what they said, they're honoring it. At least until the year 2029, according to my profile.

    So look, amazing! Someone posted something new on Xanga!

    I can't even tell, in this new system, if I'm the only one.